Versatility & Revisionist

Versatility – archive and unarchive saved versions to protect and preserve them

Versatility does two things: it archives all saved versions of a file into a single folder, so they can be moved wherever you want, and it unarchives those folders to a copy of the file with all its saved versions as they were. Leaves original files and their versions unaltered. Simple drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to use.
Versatility 1.0 (Universal App for Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura and Sonoma)

Revisionist – opens up the full power of the macOS versioning system

Revisionist makes deep copies of documents with all their versions, and carries versions across iCloud Drive and other barriers. It also identifies and lists files with multiple versions, lists versions with details for individual files, previews them using Quick Look, and removes/deletes selected versions from the macOS database.
Revisionist 1.7 (Intel-only for El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina)
Revisionist 1.9 (Universal App for High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura and Sonoma)

DeepTools – three quick and simple tools to preserve versions associated with your documents when copying or moving them

DeepCopy preserves versions when copying/moving within a local volume, or between volumes. DeepArchive and DeepUnarchive ensure complete mobility, keeping versions intact for other Macs on iCloud, when copying to memory sticks, networked storage (NAS), even sending documents by email, and with other operating systems including Linux/Unix and Windows. Now with interface improvements and compatible with Catalina.
DeepTools 1.3 (Intel-only for El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave and Catalina)
DeepTools 1.4 (Universal App for El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura)

Known Issues:

DeepTools has now been replaced by Versatility, with a much improved interface.

A short history of versions
Versatility: a new drag-and-drop utility to archive and unarchive file versions
Sonoma’s lost versions bug: what it is and how to safeguard versions
Serious bug in Sonoma 14.4 will destroy saved versions in iCloud Drive
How you still can’t share document versions in iCloud
A layered approach to preserving documents
How to recover old versions of Xcode source
Revisionist version 1.8 is now a Universal App
DeepTools version 1.4 are now Universal Apps
How to keep, or lose, a document’s previous versions
Time Machine 13: Backups and versions
Revisionist 1.7 now changes selection with the arrow keys
Revisionist 1.6 is now fully compatible with Catalina betas
Revisionist version 1.5 changes text size and is ready for Catalina
Versions in iCloud are still a mess, made worse by Handoff
Editing iCloud documents is far from seamless
Making macOS versions more usable
DeepTools 1 released: preserve document versions wherever they go
Workthrough: Using the macOS version system to recover lost content
Document Versioning
Busting myths about macOS versions and versioning
The Current Version: fixing macOS versioning
Trusting management
Tools for working with document versions/revisions
Documents and versioning