Nalaprop gains powerful search and colour keys, and DelightEd gets a tweak too

My multi-language linguistic parsing app Nalaprop is nearing its first release. This update, to version 1.0b9, brings sophisticated search features to each of its three text views. Used in conjunction with its word frequency lists, this gives it the powers of a concordance tool.

For example, open a text such as a novel, and click on the List button to generate its word frequency listing. Select a word from that frequency list, copy it, and then click in the centre text view containing the parsed text. Open the Find dialog using the Find… command in the Edit menu, and paste the word in as the search term. To ensure that this finds only references to the whole word, you can select the Full Word option. Then click on the Next button.

Nalaprop will then show and highlight each occurrence of that word as it works through the document. This also works for lemmas when you have used the MultiParse button to parse for them.

This new version also offers multiple colour keys to display the colour coding used in its parsed view. You can display as many of these as you want on screen, across multiple document windows too. To help you track which is which, they are labelled using the document’s name.


As far as I am aware, the only feature which I have yet to implement in this first version of Nalaprop is parsing in a background thread. If you have any other features which you’d like included, please let me know in a comment here so that I can look at adding them to its first full release.

Nalaprop version 1.0b9 is now available from here: nalaprop10b9
and from Downloads above.

For those renegades who like their Rich Text editors to have customisable appearance, so that individual windows can be shown in Dark or Light Mode independently of the system setting, DelightEd 1.0b4 now has keyboard shortcuts to make access to those appearances even easier. This new version is available from here: DelightEd10b4
and from Downloads above.