Apple has updated Safari to version 15.0 for Big Sur and Catalina

Apple has released an update for Safari in Big Sur and Catalina, bringing it to version 15.0. This brings some of the new features coming in Monterey, including tab groups, redesigned tabs, a compact tab bar option, and automatic switching from HTTP connections to HTTPS where they’re available. I’ve been using tab groups for a while now, and am very impressed by them. If you like to have a lot of tabs, they’re your last hope to get better organised.

There are also four security fixes in this update, affecting WebKit. In each case, processing crafted web content could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. Details are here.

Because Safari itself isn’t stored on the Sealed System Volume, this update is lightweight, at only 122 MB, and doesn’t require lengthy installation or rebooting. What are you waiting for?