T2M2 version 1.7 brings font sizing and saves window settings

Version 1.7 of T2M2, my free Time Machine backup analysis and diagnostic utility, brings two relatively minor and cosmetic improvements which many users will appreciate, I hope:

  • You can now change the font size used for the text report view. Simply press Command+ (Command and the = key) to enlarge, or Command- (Command and the – key) to shrink. You don’t have to click in the view to do this, nor select any text there. The size steps in 1 point increments between 4 and 60 points, and the size set when you close the window and quit T2M2 is used as the default when you next open the app.
  • The app now saves the last window size and position on screen, and when opened next uses those as it default settings.

I’m sorry that it has taken me a while to implement these basic conveniences, but hope that you find them useful.

T2M2 version 1.7 is now available from here: t2m217
from Downloads above, and from its product page. If you’re already running version 1.6, it should offer to download it when 12 hours have elapsed since it last checked for updates automatically.