Check 64-bit compatibility of apps and other code using ArchiChect 1.0, now released

Thanks to all those who have been testing my new tool for checking whether apps, bundles, and other executable code is thoroughly 64-bit.

I am delighted to release its first full version, 1.0, which now includes a PDF Help book incorporating some of our experience during beta-testing.

Significant here is what happens when you drag and drop an app or other code bundle onto ArchiChect, if the item has been downloaded from the Internet but hasn’t been run yet. You may be surprised to see the standard Gatekeeper dialog appear, as if you were about to run the app.

Because ArchiChect looks deeply into apps and other code bundles to check whether they’re 64-bit clean, this triggers a Gatekeeper check. If the item hasn’t already been through this, macOS will ask you to confirm that you do want to open that app, and only if you agree will ArchiChect be able to perform its full tests. The app still doesn’t open as such. If you were to refuse to open the app, ArchiChect will inevitably throw an error, as it will be unable to perform its checks.

This is now explained in the app’s Help book, which is accessible within the app’s Help menu, and is supplied as a separate PDF as its documentation.

ArchiChect 1.0 is now available from here: archichect10
and from Downloads above.

If you encounter any problems with it, or have any questions, please post them here. I expect to add product and support pages to it for the next version, which will link it with 32-bitCheck, which scans whole folders looking for apps and other code which aren’t yet 64-bit compatible.