xattr: com.apple.LaunchServices.OpenWith, sets a custom app to open a file

Type: com.apple.LaunchServices.OpenWith
Subtypes: none
Serialisation: none
Data type: binary Property List containing some UTF-8 text. An NSDictionary containing 3 keys: bundleidentifier, String; path, String; version, NSNumber/Integer;
Example: <62706c69 73743030 d3010203 04050657 76657273 696f6e54 70617468 5f101062 756e646c 65696465 6e746966 69657210 005f1018 2f417070 6c696361 74696f6e 732f4242 45646974 2e617070 5f101463 6f6d2e62 61726562 6f6e6573 2e626265 64697408 0f171c2f 314c0000 00000000 01010000 00000000 00070000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0063>
«bplist00Ó WversionTpath_ bundleidentifier _ /Applications/BBEdit.app_ com.barebones.bbedit /1L c»
macOS: El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra
System use: very rarely in /Library, otherwise none
App use: uncommon
Document use: uncommon
Other usage: none

Purpose: sets a custom application to open the file, overriding the global mapping for the file type
Although the app path and identifier are easily read, the extensive binary content is undocumented and obscure. Normally set through the Finder’s Get Info dialog.

Tools: Finder (Get Info dialog), xattred, xattr


Original page: 2017-12-18
Last modified: 2017-12-30