Skint version 1.03 fixes bugs that could give false negatives

I’m very grateful to Andrew for reporting an unusual and insidious bug in Skint 1.02, which could lead to it incorrectly report that everything was OK when it wasn’t.

The cause of this problem was that failure to connect and download Skint’s data from my GitHub could sometimes pass unnoticed, leaving the app assuming that everything was well, when it didn’t have the data to make that decision. This appears to be unusual unless your Mac is having problems with its Internet connection, or my GitHub is unavailable.

When you run this new version of Skint, or it runs automatically on its timer, you may well see it display a grey colour and inform you that it’s waiting for data. Shortly after that, when it has retrieved the data it needs, it should then deliver a definitive answer, in both colour and text. If it continues to tell you that it’s waiting for data, then that means it’s still trying to connect. Although it should eventually time out, you can close its window to quit the app and open it again.

I’ve also taken the opportunity to restore its Window menu, making it easier to restore when minimised.

Skint version 1.03 is now available from here: skint103
from Downloads above, from its Product Page, or via its shiny new auto-update mechanism.

Please keep feeding me with any further reports of bugs.