Which system software and security updates were installed? SystHist now supports Sonoma

For those who have given way to the temptation to join Apple’s Sonoma beta-testing programme, this new version of SystHist adds support for macOS 14, including its betas. It also adds a link to the data page for Ventura, in its Help book.

SystHist is the best way to see which system software and security updates have been installed on your Mac. It shows these in three different panels, to provide you with the fullest information available. For those installed using regular Installer packages, the view on the right lets you inspect the contents of each package for which there are records.


Not only does it group updates by the version of macOS, but it includes any RSRs too.

One slight disappointment for those running Sonoma betas is that Apple’s updater hasn’t provided details for individual releases, so they’re each listed simply as macOS 14.0, instead of giving details of that version or build. Previous beta-releases have usually provided a bit more information to make them more readily identifiable.

Unless Apple changes anything drastically before the final release of macOS 14.0, this version should be fully compatible with release versions as well as betas.

SystHist version 1.19 is now available from here: systhist119
from Downloads above, from its Product Page, and through its auto-update mechanism.