Checking your keychains using KeychainCheck2

If the questions that get asked of me are anything to go by, keychain problems have lessened following Sierra. Or at least fewer seem to be complained of them, which isn’t necessarily the same. However, when you do have keychain problems there seems remarkably little to be done: if your Keychain is in iCloud, turn that off, then back on, the usual ‘solution’ for anything involving iCloud. If it’s not, you can start poking around using Keychain Access, which is excellent for working with their contents, but more limited when trying to diagnose a problem.

Back in the halcyon days of Sierra, I developed what was going to be the start of a more powerful tool, derived from my first utility KeychainCheck. Version 2 provides a lot more information, and (in some circumstances) can even tell you when your keychains are being accessed. It does that by getting an extract from the unified log.

Then in High Sierra, Apple decided that keychain access wouldn’t any longer be recorded in the log. Although KeychainCheck2 did a lot more than that, as you can imagine, it rather killed my enthusiasm for further development.

Even without that valuable information from the log, the app is still better than nothing, which seems to be the alternative, so I have decided to revive it. Here is the first beta-release, which includes the following changes:

  • adds my standard code integrity check when the app opens;
  • adds a proper Help book, and a link to its support page;
  • changes the behaviour of its buttons to reflect the locking state of the login keychain;
  • adds text size control;
  • improves saving of window sizes and locations;
  • it has been ported to Swift 5 and Xcode 10.3;
  • it has a fresh app icon.



It now runs properly on all versions of macOS from Sierra to Catalina (although there still isn’t any log information from High Sierra onwards), and has been freshly notarized.

KeychainCheck2 version 2.0b1 is now available from here: keychaincheck21
from Downloads above, and from its Product Page.

Depending on your interest and response, I’ll decide whether to pursue this any further.