Updates to LockRattler and SystHist for auto-updating and Catalina

The next two updates in the rollout of my automatic update checking and downloading system bring with them improvements when running in macOS Catalina betas as well.

LockRattler version 4.21 now has auto-updating built into it, and handles Catalina’s quirks rather better. Specifically it doesn’t try to report a KEXT block version for 10.15, which doesn’t rely on the kernel extension, but has a new system built-in. It should also recognise Catalina updates better when they arrive. It’s available from here: lockrattler421
from Downloads above, and its Product Page.

SystHist version 1.11 also has auto-updating mechanism built in, and attempts to handle Catalina’s system updates better too. However, the initial beta-release doesn’t write anything to the normal update log, so isn’t currently captured in the way that I’d expect. As the data simply aren’t there, there’s not much I can do about that. It’s available from here: systhist111
from Downloads above, and its Product Page.