Updates to Nalaprop and Taccy

Here are two additional updates to my free tools: Taccy 1.0b4 and Nalaprop 1.0b2.


Taccy displays information about an app’s privacy features, such as the Usage strings contained in its Info.plist file, and entitlements embedded in its signature. This new version also performs a signature check using spctl, which provides information about the type of signature used. When run in Mojave, this will tell you whether an app has been notarized, comes from the App Store, or from Apple. This is therefore a recommended update for all users.

Taccy 1.0b4 is available from here: taccy10b4
and from Downloads above.


Nalaprop is a Mojave-only app which uses the new features in macOS 10.14 to parse natural language into parts of speech. This new version can read text from rich text (RTF) files as well as plain text, supports printing, and is a recommended update. It has also been notarized.

Nalaprop 1.0b2 is available from here: nalaprop10b2
and from Downloads above.