Three updates: LockRattler, Bailiff, and Aquiliner

Here are three updates to my free apps, aimed primarily at those upgrading to Mojave next week, but all three should be worthwhile for all users too.

LockRattler version 4.11 should, I hope, finally resolve the strange bug in its Refresh button. When you have installed an update, clicking on that button should display the version number of the newly-installed security data. Until now, although it has updated the details of the installation, the version number itself has remained stubbornly fixed.

I suspect that this may be an unintended side-effect of checking the version number of the bundle containing the security data, which loads that bundle – something not documented, and frankly rather odd and unexpected. So now my code tries to unload each bundle once its version number has been read. This means that when you do click on Refresh, the version number should be checked again, properly.

Of course, as Apple hasn’t updated any security data since I built this version some days ago, it still awaits proof of my theory.

It also has some minor cosmetic changes in its window, has been built with the release version of Xcode 10.0, and notarized again.

LockRattler 4.11 is available from here: lockrattler411
and from Downloads above.

Bailiff version 1.2 adds some extra Help information for Mojave users, and an information string to support the Privacy system better. More importantly for all users it has now been built with the release version of Xcode 10.0. It’s available from here: bailiff12
and from Downloads above.

Aquiliner version 1.0 (first release) is bundled with the previous Aquiline Check 1.0b2. This adds a Help window, containing additional information for those using Mojave, and an information string to support the Privacy system better. More importantly for all users it has now been built with the release version of Xcode 10.0. It’s available from here: aquiline10b2a
and from Downloads above.

Both Aquiline Check and Aquiliner may need further revision for Mojave when it’s released. At the moment, although they appear to be working fine, they consistently claim that Mojave’s QuickLook cache has a size of zero bytes, suggesting that something has changed, perhaps its location. However, until the first release version of Mojave is made available, I am not going to pursue that: it may just be that QuickLook caching is temporarily non-functional.