Updates: Precize 1.2, Revisionist 1.1, and KeychainCheck 2.0a4

Here are three more updates to my free tools. Although these will be most useful to those testing Mojave, they should still be worthwhile for those using earlier versions of macOS. They are for Precize, which gives detailed information about files and folders including their volfs reference and Bookmark, Revisionist, the version manager, and KeychainCheck2, which dives deep into keychain information.

Each is, of course, also available from Downloads above.

Precize version 1.2 has the following changes:

  • adds the Browse updates command to the Help menu, to open a page of current version info in your default browser, and to download updates as you wish;
  • fixes a potential data access conflict in its handling of extended attributes;
  • is built using the latest Xcode 10 beta;
  • has full support for Mojave, including Dark Mode.

Precize 1.2 is available from here: precize12

Revisionist version 1.1 has the following changes:

  • adds the Browse updates command to the Help menu, to open a page of current version info in your default browser, and to download updates as you wish;
  • is built using the latest Xcode 10 beta;
  • has full support for Mojave, including Dark Mode.

Revisionist 1.1 is available from here: revisionist11

KeychainCheck version 2.0a4 has the following changes:

  • adds the Browse updates command to the Help menu, to open a page of current version info in your default browser, and to download updates as you wish;
  • is built using the latest Xcode 10 beta;
  • has full support for Mojave, including Dark Mode.

For the moment, it still doesn’t provide log output from High Sierra or Mojave systems, though. I will try to get that working soon.

KeychainCheck 2.0a4 is available from here: keychaincheck204