About this blog

As the site name suggests, this is an eclectic mix of postings intended to bring some light into the mind of the reader. Its two main topics are Macs and macOS, and paintings.

You can follow news about this blog on Twitter @howardnoakley, via RSS news feed, or of course by dropping by whenever you have a moment.

My first post here was on 17 January 2015. Since then it has just grown and grown, now with over 100,000 views each month. This blog has been visited by people from almost every country in the world, and I welcome you all.

To help you navigate this eclecticism, there are two different tools in the menus:

  • The main menu items take you to articles in that particular category, such as Macs or Painting;
  • There are specialist contents pages in which I maintain listings of articles by topic; these cover Mac problem-solving, Painting topics, Downloads, the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch, Extended Attributes (xattrs), English language topics, and more. These include product pages for each of the free apps which are available from here.

There are also the usual tag lists, and a search facility. If you would like additional help with navigation, please let me know.

Please respect intellectual property rights, and the rules of the WordPress host. I will try to give the most accurate attributions for material that I quote or use here; for most paintings which are out of copyright, these are obtained from Wikimedia Commons, to whom I extend my thanks and appreciation for the effort involved in developing such a superb resource. My own paintings and writing remain © EHN & DIJ Oakley. If you wish to use any beyond ‘fair use’, please contact me so that we can agree how it is best used. I do appreciate being properly credited.

If you see anything here, words or images, which you do not think is properly attributed and credited, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can correct that.

This site is not sponsored, nor does it force you to suffer advertising or commercial overhead. I do not seek donations, but welcome your spreading ‘likes’ and appreciation. Where you think that I am wrong, or wish to discuss any points, please feel free. But always remain as polite with me (and others) as I am with you, and please do not try to subvert this blog as a platform for bigotry. We are all humans, friends and colleagues in lives which are quite stressful and challenging enough without making it any more unpleasant.

Contact details

I always welcome commissions and invitations to write, paint, or contribute: just email me at h [dot] oakley [at] btconnect [dot] com.

Thank you for viewing.

Howard Oakley.